
riad wrieth

الحزام الأخضر ــ 11 ديسمبر 2021م

أكد المجلس الاجتماعي لقبائل الحزام الأخضر أن موعد إجراء الانتخابات الوطنية ثابت ولا رجعة فيه.

المجلس طالب في بيان صدر عنه اليوم السبت؛ الجامعة العربية والاتحاد الأفريقي والأوروبي والأمم المتحدة أن يكون لهم كلمة الفصل لإجراء الانتخابات في موعدها، مؤكدين بأنهم لن يستطيعوا منع الجماهير من الخروج إلى الساحات والشوارع في حال عدم إجراء العملية الانتخابية في موعدها المحدد في 24 من ديسمبر الجاري.

سرت ــ 11 ديسمبر 2021م


أكد القائد العام للقوات المسلحة المكلف فريق أول عبد الرازق الناظوري؛ أن القوات المسلحة الليبية لن تتدخل في الحياة المدنية، ولكنها في الوقت ذاته لن تعطي الفرصة لأحد لتفكيك المؤسسة العسكرية.

ولفت الفريق الناظوري في لقائه مع الفريق محمد علي الحداد في مدينة سرت، أنه كان لقاء “ليبيا-ليبيا”، مشيرا إلى أن كل وجهات النظر متقاربة, وأن مسؤولية القوات العسكرية حماية الوطن والدستور، والمحافظة على وحدة المؤسسة العسكرية الليبية.

وأضاف: “نحن ننتظر لجنة (5+5) للانضمام لاجتماعات توحيد المؤسسة العسكرية، وسوف تكون هناك اجتماعات متتالية من دون أي تدخل أجنبي”.

وأردف الناظوري: “نحن بعيدون عن كل الخلافات والتجاذبات السياسية بين الأحزاب. القوات المسلحة ستكون داعما للدولة ومحافظة على الوطن والدستور”.

NordVPN Review

The NordVPN interface is very user-friendly, which has a number of different approaches to choose a storage space. There audiogrill.net/technology/top-antivirus/ are choices for choosing the fastest machine in your country, and even choose the type of web server you want to connect with based on the features. Additionally, you can also select the country you need to stream from. As soon as you start off the NordVPN application, it can automatically screen your previous connection in the left column.

This VPN service uses AES 256-bit encryption to your data, which can be considered industry-standard and difficult to crack. Additionally, it also uses Perfect Forward Secrecy, which will ensures that the encryption truth is changed each time a new time begins. This kind of prevents virtually any outdoors party out of stealing the private data. In addition , it use the00 NordLynx process, which is based upon WireGuard and dual NAT.

Regarding privacy, NordVPN protects users from info theft. The company’s SHA-512 hash function scrambles your credentials in to 512 numbers and examines them with cryptographic hashes stored over the NordVPN computers. While this is certainly more difficult to crack, it grants users more safeguard. If you’re concerned with security, NordVPN recommends employing SHA-512. The greater algorithmically innovative it is, the higher the privacy of its users.

If you’re looking for the best consumer VPN, get come for the right place. This kind of service provides a wide variety of features and benefits, making it simple for you to look at internet independently. The most important matter to keep in mind can be compatibility. Several services support a wide variety of products, so you should do not trouble finding a good match. While most customer VPNs these can be used with with a selection of operating systems, it is critical to double check the compatibility of your specific VPN on your unit. Also, a few services offer internet browser extensions, so you should also make sure that recognized supports the browser of your choice.

Another advantage into a consumer vpn is the sum of security it offers. Although many reputable consumer vpn providers are free, you will have to spend some time identifying which one is going to suit your needs. The best consumer VPNS can preserve company data, while others can help you look after your personal info. And because they’re created to protect personal data as well as information, they’re convenient to use.

A few consumer VPNS have more security features and can support protect your company’s data. These products and services work like a network, merging multiple IP addresses as one. You’ll be able to access websites and apps you might not be able to gain access to from your regular IP address, even though your internet activity will stay private. The best consumer VPNS are designed to defend your personal and business facts. They can likewise protect https://www.bestvpnprovider.info/torrent-vpn/ your provider’s proprietary technologies and facts, and provide a secure and private connection to the Web.

أثينا_ 05 ديسمبر 2021م

اتهم كاهن يوناني أرثوذكسي، أمس السبت، أسقف روما ورأس الكنيسة الكاثوليكية البابا فرنسيس، بـ”الكفر والخروج عن الدين”، خلال زيارة رسمية يجريها للعاصمة اليونانية أثينا.

ومنذ عام 1054، والكنيسة مقسمة إلى قسمين شرقية وغربية، واستمر الانفصال والخلافات بين الكنيستين منذ ذلك الحين.

وبحسب وسائل إعلام يونانية، فقد قامت الشرطة بإبعاد رجل الدين الذي احتج ضد البابا فرانسيس خلال زيارته لأبرشية في أثينا، من مكان الحادث، موضحة : “أن رجل الدين احتج على زيارة البابا، قائلا: أيها البابا أنت كافر، لقد خرجت عن الدين”.

وكان البابا فرنسيس انتقد في مستهل زيارته لليونان انقسامات الاتحاد الأوروبي المدفوعة بنزعات قومية على اعتبارها السبب وراء غياب التنسيق في مسألة الهجرة.
وذكر البابا فرانسيس : إن أوروبا “تمزقها الأنانية القومية” في إدارتها لأزمة الهجرة، وذلك خلال لقائه نائب رئيسة المفوضية الأوروبية ماغريتيس سخيناس، والرئيسة اليونانية كاتيرينا ساكيلاروبولو، ورئيس الوزراء كيرياكوس ميتسوتاكيس، ومسؤولين آخرين.

طرابلس ــ 05 ديسمبر 2021م

وجّه وزير المالية خالد المبروك اليوم الأحد، تعميما إلى المراقبين الماليين بالوزارات والهيآت والمؤسسات والوحدات الإدارية الممولة من الخزانة العامة؛ بشأن أوامر الصرف على مشروعات التنمية.

ونوّه التعميم الذي نشرته الوزارة عبر صفحتها على فيسبوك بأن: “الصرف على مشروعات التنمية يكون وفقًا لأوامر الصرف وأذونات التخويل المالي بالصرف الصادرة من وزارة التخطيط بدلًا من التفويضات المالية”.
وذكرت الوزارة أن التعميم يأتي بناء على أوامر الصرف الصادرة عن وزارة التخطيط وعلى الضوابط والإجراءات الواجبة الاتباع في تنفيذ برامج التنمية.

Proficiency is a vital component of nonprofit board group meetings. Donors and constituents anticipate nonprofits to arrange themselves well and to do their are efficiently as it can be.

business management software

The primary Tasks that Board Meeting Software Produces in Your Organization

The adding and spread of the practice of evaluating the work of the Boards of Directors, in their opinion, will need to contribute to the accomplishment of these goals, maximize the contribution of the management body to the powerful development of the company and the decision the following main digital boardroom responsibilities:

  • development of the formula of the Boards of Owners based on the optimal balance of professional knowledge, knowledge, abilities, and personal features of it is members;
  • formation of effective motivation to get the work of its customers;
  • creation of transparent systems for deciding the size of directors’ remuneration;
  • introduction of productive technologies meant for the work with the Boards of Directors;
  • improving upon the quality of company governance Paperless board meeting practices in companies generally speaking.

Taking into account the above, this kind of manual looks at examples of the best international practices in the field of assessing the effectiveness of Planks of Company directors and evaluates the possibilities of their version in joint-stock companies. Societies of the countries of Central Asia, useful recommendations receive on the implementation of the process of evaluating the Councils, based upon the real condition of company governance in Central Hard anodized cookware companies.

Technology and Risk when the Main Benefits associated with Boardroom Software to your Organization

Technology and risk will be two issues that virtually any effective board of administrators should have addressed in one of its gatherings. However , due to the rapid development of disruptive systems and the breakthrough of new dangers affecting the business, the board of company directors will have to commit more time to these issues.

Simply by overseeing company strategy, the board of directors performs an important purpose in the digital transformation from the company. Control constantly tells the board that digitalization is the key to the success from the enterprise. Nevertheless , before trying to achieve digital modification, the board of directors must know how it will impact the company’s treatments. Is the firm really looking forward to potentially large-scale changes? How can investing in digital technology benefit it? How can new technologies affect the quality of customer service, the job environment for employees, and the business culture? Comes with management contemplated what kind of specialists will probably be required to put into practice the digital technologies the fact that the company requirements?

The board of directors should devote plenty of time to addressing this subject as part of the strategic dialogue. In this concern of Obtaining Excellence, we focus on digital transformation and possess therefore included articles on Agile job implementation, ERP optimization, and the board’s responsibility for the performance of recent systems.

This manual is resolved to folks interested in implementing the procedure for checking the Board of Owners in their company. Depending on the express of business governance, they could be both immediate owners of companies and persons who also, by virtue of all their official duties, provide company and methodological support with respect to the activities of the Boards of Directors. When considering financial and compliance dangers, boards could easily get bogged down in small specifics. The online board meeting software needs to be sure they are focusing on the right major risks — those that affect the company’s success or failure. To help them through this direction, we now have included in this issue an article upon what the board needs to carry out to improve the effectiveness of risk oversight.

طرابلس ـ 01 ديسمبر 2021م

التقت وزيرة الخارجية والتعاون الدولي نجلاء المنقوش اليوم الأربعاء بالعاصمة طرابلس؛ سفيرة المملكة المتحدة لدى ليبيا كارولاين هرندل.
وأكدت سفيرة المملكة المتحدة في مستهل اللقاء دعم بلادها لجهود تعزيز الاستقرار في ربوع ليبيا كافة، والإيفاء بالتزامات خارطة الطريق، كما بحث الجانبان مسيرة العلاقات القائمة بين البلدين والعمل على تطويرها.
وتطرق اللقاء إلى التحديات التي تواجه الاستحقاق الانتخابي القادم والسبل الكفيلة لإنجاحه وصولا إلى انتخابات حرة ونزيهة وآمنة.

When you set up avast data file shield on your computer, you’ll be presented with various checking out options, which includes custom coverages. These options let you control the way your computer is covered. For example , you are able to choose whether to enable the encoding procedure to scan your system quickly, which will decrease the number of false-positive detections. Additionally , you may customize how a application tests by choosing more options. The scanning services process will start automatically and with detailed instructions viewable on-screen.

To activate Data file Shield, open up Avast Malware and click the Settings case. Click on the Simple Protection button. Here, you’ll find the “Scan” button. You can even opt to turn away all the Face shield features. You https://brightsystems.info/total-av-and-avast can select which will types of files to scan with the course. The program definitely will automatically run a scanning time once you install it on your PC. You can also choose which development to use.

When you want to eliminate a Face shield, you can simply click its on/off toggle. This will disable the protection for a certain time period. It’s important to keep in mind that you can turn off a Shield at any time by simply enabling it or circumventing it. To do this, open the user interface and click on the “Core Shields” tab. Next, click on the “Protect my personal computer” tabs. The Active Shields option can look in the Safety section. To show off a shield, you’ll need to select the toggle that displays the on and off position of the cover. If you don’t want a shield, push on the “Disable” toggle.

If you’ve at any time wished you might collaborate with board participants virtually, table portal may be the way to go. That allows table members to securely get documents, write about files, and collaborate digitally. The system may be a collaborative application that allows participants to access board documents and collaborate within a secure web based environment. Proceeding always be amazed at the volume of information you are able to securely access. This article will offer you some valuable tips to employ board webpages in the business.

There are numerous benefits of applying board portal software program. You can decrease your administrative costs and increase the efficiency of the board group meetings. If you can control your documents and distribute conference packs, your organization will gain from board webpage. You can also create and monitor agendas, monitor action items, and viewpoint meeting or so minutes. These features allow the panel to work together and operate more efficiently than ever. In addition , you should use the plank portal to communicate with board members from any location.

Deciding on a board web destination can be a complex activity. Whether you are a novice or perhaps an experienced individual, a aboard portal can be a valuable tool. Consider the functions and features within the system prior to you purchase. A board portal can save as well as increase productivity. With the right software, you’ll be able to speak and collaborate with your team members with ease. For those who have selected a board web destination, blog it has the time to assess vendors.