Лицензионное онлайн-казино, что за незначимое время на Руинтернете заняло лидирующую позицию. На площадке дозволено играть круглые сутки во онлайн казино На деле, играть на портале клуб Вулкан Удачи – это отличный шанс не только лишь приятного времяпровождения, но еще и производства добавочного заработка. на настоящие денежки. Благодаря безупречной репутации убежище получило многомилионную публику игроков в компьютерные игры. (المزيد…)
riad wrieth
دمشق ـ 09 نوفمبر 2021م
استقبل الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد اليوم الثلاثاء؛ وزير خارجية الإمارات العربية المتحدة الشيخ عبدالله بن زايد آل نهيان، في العاصمة السورية دمشق.
ووفقا لوكالة الأنباء الرسمية “سانا” فقد جرى خلال اللقاء “بحث العلاقات الثنائية بين البلدين الشقيقين، وتطوير التعاون الثنائي في مختلف المجالات ذات الاهتمام المشترك، وتكثيف الجهود لاستكشاف آفاق جديدة لهذا التعاون خصوصاً في القطاعات الحيوية من أجل تعزيز الشراكات الاستثمارية في هذه القطاعات”.
وتأتي زيارة وزير الخارجية الإماراتي إلى دمشق؛ بعد أكثر من شهر على اتصال هاتفي أجراه الرئيس السوري بشار الأسد بالعاهل الأردني الملك عبدالله الثاني، في مؤشر يراه المحللون بداية لانتهاء عزلة دمشق الدبلوماسية مع محيطها العربي.
البحر الأحمر ـ 07 نوفمبر 2021م
أعلن رئيس هيأة قناة السويس المصرية الفريق أسامة ربيع الخميس؛ رفع رسوم عبور السفن للقناة في 2022، بنسبة 6 بالمئة مقارنة مع 2021، مشيرة إلى أن القرار سيدخل حيز التنفيذ في فبراير المقبل، وأن الزيادة لن تشمل ناقلات الغاز الطبيعي المسال وسفن الرحلات السياحية.
الهيأة في بيانها الرسمي، ذكرت أن الفريق ربيع أكد “الحرص على تطبيق استراتيجية تسعيرية وتسويقية متوازنة ومرنة تحقق مصالح الهيأة وعملائها، وتراعي الظروف الاقتصادية العالمية ومتغيراتها المختلفة عبر آليات واضحة تتضمن تقدير رسوم عبور السفن”.
وإن ذلك يأتي “بما يتيح تقديم الخدمات الملاحية لعبور القناة وفق سياسة نموذجية، تضمن الحفاظ على ريادة القناة وتجعلها الاختيار الأمثل والأسرع والأقصر للعملاء”.
الخرطوم ـ 07 نوفمبر 2021م
لجأت قوات الأمن السودانية إلى قنابل الغاز المسيل للدموع؛ لتفريق مظاهرتين مناهضتين للانقلاب العسكري، اليوم الأحد 07 نوفمبر، وألقت القبض على عشرات المتظاهرين.
وتظاهر المئات من المواطنين السودانيين في عطبرة شمالي البلاد، مردّدين شعار “لا للحكم العسكري”، كما تظاهر المئات في حيّ بري شرقيّ العاصمة، وفقا لما تداولته وسائل الإعلام المختلفة
وفي غضون ذلك، أقال قائد الانقلاب العسكري عبد الفتاح البرهان، جميع مديري المصارف الرسمية في البلاد، بعد قرار بصرف جميع مديري الشركات العامة.
وتزامنا مع هذا التصعيد الأمني؛ تنعقد مباحثات، مع وصول وسطاء من الجامعة العربية للعاصمة الخرطوم في محاولة لنزع فتيل الأزمة.
واشنطن ــ 06 نوفمبر 2021م
أدانت محكمة أمريكية ضابط مخابرات صيني، بتهمة التآمر لسرقة أسرار من شركات طيران، وفقا لوزارة العدل الأمريكية.
وأدين الضابط الصيني، شو يانجون، بخمس تهم تتعلق بالتجسس الاقتصادي وسرقة أسرار تجارية.
ويواجه يانجون عقوبة السجن لمدة تصل إلى 60 عاما، وغرامات تزيد على 5 ملايين دولار.
وقُبض عليه لأول مرة في بلجيكا عام 2018.. ومن المحتمل أن يكون أول عميل صيني يتم تسليمه إلى الولايات المتحدة لمحاكمته.
وفقا لبيان صادر عن وزارة العدل الأمريكية، فإن المدان يعتبر عضوًا بارزًا في وكالة جيانغ سو التابعة لوزارة أمن الدولة الصينية، وهي وكالة مسؤولة عن مكافحة التجسس والاستخبارات الأجنبية والأمن الداخلي.
دمشق ــ 04 نوفمبر 2021م
شهدت العاصمة السورية دمشق؛ تشييع جثمان الفنان القدير صباح فخري الذي وافاه الأجل الثلاثاء الماضي؛ بعد مسيرة فنية استمرت لأكثر من نصف قرن، تنقل فيها بين الموشحات الأندلسية والقدود الحلبية، أطرب خلالها أجيالا متعاقبة في بلاده والعالم العربي أجمع.
وانطلقت مسيرة التشييع عند حوالى الساعة العاشرة صباحا من مستشفى الشامي الذي توفي فيه في مدينة دمشق.
حيث لف النعش بالعلم السوري، وسار خلفه حشد من المشيعين، بينهم فنانون ومسؤولون، قبل أن يوارى الجثمان في مسقط رأسه مدينة حلب “الشهباء” شمال سوريا، والتي تقرر رفع أذان صلاة العصر بصوت الفنان الراحل صباح فخري اليوم الخميس في مساجدها؛ تكريما لمسيرته الاستثنائية.
الجزائر_ 03 نوفمبر 2021م
أعلنت الرئاسة الجزائرية مساء الأربعاء 3 نوفمبر؛ مقتل ثلاثة مواطنين في “قصف شنّه الجيش المغربي” على قافلة كانت متوجهة من موريتانيا إلى الجزائر، وفقا للبيان.
وذكرت وكالة الأنباء الجزائرية الرسمية أن الرئاسة وصفت العمل بأنه “جبان”.
ومن جانبها نفت نواكشط، وقوع الهجوم داخل الأراضي الموريتانية، حيث أكد بيان صادر عن الرئاسية الموريتانية: “من أجل إنارة الرأي العام وتصحيح المعلومات المتداولة، تنفي مديرية الاتصال والعلاقات العامة بقيادة الأركان العامة للجيوش حدوث أي هجوم داخل التراب الوطني”.
وجاء الإعلان الجزائري بعد أيام من قرارها وقف ضخ الغاز الجزائري إلى المغرب بسبب “الممارسات ذات الطابع العدواني، من المملكة المغربية تجاه الجزائر، التي تمس بالوحدة الوطنية”.
There are several explanations why a business appointment should be mainly because secure as it can be, and many people feel uncomfortable discussing problems. However , with the obligation business reaching software, it ought to be easy to prevent exposing personal information or triggering unnecessary injury. A few features to look for in a good safeguarded business conference answer include: a security password for all participants, encryption, waiting around room features, and audio and video controls. A lot of solutions actually lock group meetings for security, so that not authorized participants cannot join. A lot of solutions area host determine who will become a member of the appointment, and allow them to remove the members with a single click.
The best secure business meeting application offers multiple security features, including SSL and 256-bit encryption. In addition, some of the best solutions offer a free trial, so you can make an effort your product just before paying a penny. Despite its high price draw, some firms offer a 14-day trial of its Meetings tool. Even though BlueJeans doesn’t offer a no cost tier, it is doing offer the best plan, that allows approximately 50 people and free phone audio tracks in 40 countries.
The very best secure organization meeting application also supports encryption. Using encryption, it is impossible for the hacker to look at or shape the information transmitted during a achieving. Webex Events, for example , supplies end-to-end security and uses strong security passwords. Moreover, that supports MFA, with support for SAML 2 . zero federated SSO. The best protect business get together software is designed to protect data from robbery. That way, you will be sure that the information shared by staff members and consumers is secure and protected.
In addition , the best protected business appointment software gives a cloud-based environment for conferences. Some suppliers also have a info center in California, which make the whole process more secure. With so many benefits, you should use them to support your company match regulatory compliance and privacy benchmarks. With the right application, your events can be more productive and lucrative. It will also maintain your company’s data and confidential information safe. On that basis, you should look for a secure organization meeting computer software.
You can pick a secure business meeting application for your organization. Check that the software meets sector standards. A secure remedy should guard video articles and metadata inside the cloud. It may also fulfill compliance and regulatory requirements. For instance, the enterprise should conform to GDPR and HIPAA. The application should also match AES-level reliability standards. There are many features which will make secure organization meeting software program more beneficial than others. And in addition to, there are many different benefits.
Selecting the best secure business meeting applications are crucial. For instance , the best conferencing solution need to be supported by an SSL certificate. You can also request the seller for information regarding security criteria and their security policies. As an example, your get together software ought to meet the requirements of your company. A protected business reaching software will likely have an review history. If you do not trust the corporation, you may finish up paying for without cause readystockmarket.com expensive products.
There are several reasons why a business reaching should be simply because secure as possible, and many persons feel not comfortable discussing problems. However , with the obligation business conference software, it should be easy to avoid exposing personal information or triggering unnecessary damage. A few features to look for within a good protect business assembly option include: traderlogic.com.br a security password for all individuals, encryption, waiting room features, and digital controls. A few solutions even lock group meetings for safe practices, so that illegal participants cannot join. Several solutions allow host decide who will sign up for the achieving, and allow them to remove the participants with a solo click.
The very best secure business meeting software offers multiple security features, including SSL and 256-bit encryption. Additionally, some of the best alternatives offer a trial offer, so you can make an effort out your product first before paying anything. Despite its high price draw, some corporations offer a 14-day trial of its Appointments tool. While BlueJeans will not offer a no cost tier, it does offer the best plan, that allows about 50 attendees and cost-free phone audio tracks in 45 countries.
The best secure business meeting software also facilitates encryption. Employing encryption, it is actually impossible for your hacker to enjoy or adjust the information sent during a appointment. Webex Appointments, for example , provides end-to-end encryption and uses strong account details. Moreover, this supports MFA, with support for SAML 2 . zero federated SSO. The best protect business achieving software is designed to protect info from fraud. That way, you could end up sure that the information shared by workers and consumers is secure and protected.
Additionally , the best secure business interacting with software supplies a cloud-based environment for appointments. Some services also have a data center in California, which can make the whole procedure more secure. With so many benefits, you should use them to help your company meet up with regulatory compliance and privacy criteria. With the right software program, your group meetings can be more productive and lucrative. It will also keep your company’s facts and confidential information safe. So, you should look for a secure organization meeting application.
You can choose a secure business meeting application for your firm. Check that the application meets sector standards. A secure resolution should defend video articles and metadata in the cloud. It should also match compliance and regulatory requirements. For instance, the company should abide by GDPR and HIPAA. The solution should also satisfy AES-level security standards. There are plenty of features that will make secure organization meeting software program more valuable than other folks. And in addition to, there are many different benefits.
Selecting the most appropriate secure organization meeting application is crucial. For example , the best conference meetings solution must be supported by a great SSL qualification. You can also question the vendor for information about security standards and their protection policies. As an example, your interacting with software will need to meet the requirements of your institution. A secure business appointment software will likewise have an review history. If you do not trust the company, you may wrap up paying for without need costly products.
There are several reasons why a business meeting should be when secure as is feasible, and many persons feel uneasy discussing these issues. However , with the right business meeting software, it must be easy to avoid exposing private information or causing unnecessary injury. A few features to look for in a good protect business appointment method include: a pass word for all participants, encryption, waiting around room features, and digital controls. A few solutions also lock meetings for essential safety, so that not authorized participants won’t be able to join. A few solutions let the host determine who will sign up for the meeting, and allow them to remove the participants with a solo click.
The best secure organization meeting computer software offers multiple security features, including SSL and 256-bit encryption. Moreover, some of the best alternatives offer a free trial offer, so you can try transportplushds.pl out your product just before paying a penny. Despite it is high price point, some companies offer a 14-day trial of its Group meetings tool. When BlueJeans does not offer a cost-free tier, and also offer the cheapest plan, that enables up to 50 attendees and cost-free phone audio tracks in forty countries.
The very best secure organization meeting application also helps encryption. Employing encryption, it is impossible to get a hacker to watch or change the information sent during a reaching. Webex Events, for example , provides end-to-end encryption and uses strong security passwords. Moreover, this supports MFA, with support for SAML 2 . zero federated SSO. The best secure business conference software is designed to protect info from thievery. That way, you can be sure that the knowledge shared by workers and consumers is secure and protected.
Additionally , the best protected business assembly software offers a cloud-based environment for appointments. Some service providers also have a info center in California, which make the whole procedure more secure. With so many benefits, you can utilize them to support your company connect with regulatory compliance and privacy expectations. With the right computer software, your conferences can be more productive and worthwhile. It will also keep the company’s facts and confidential information safe. Because of this, you should look for a secure organization meeting application.
You can choose a secure organization meeting software program for your enterprise. Check that the technology meets industry standards. A secure formula should defend video articles and metadata inside the cloud. It may also match compliance and regulatory requirements. For instance, the provider should conform to GDPR and HIPAA. The program should also match AES-level secureness standards. There are plenty of features which make secure organization meeting computer software more vital than others. And in addition to, there are many additional benefits.
Selecting the most appropriate secure business meeting applications are crucial. For instance , the best meeting solution needs to be supported by a great SSL license. You can also inquire the seller for details about security criteria and their protection policies. For instance, your appointment software will need to meet the requirements of your company. A secure business reaching software can even have an audit history. If you trust the organization, you may wrap up paying for without cause costly products.